What is Your Guiding Light?

Maintaining perspective can be quite challenging in the midst of personal turmoil and life’s uncertainty. Getting caught up in emotional strife can leave us distracted from our deepest values. Stripping away the distractions of everyday life, there is something we cling to that continually guides us forward. If you break it down to one single thing, what do you point to as your guiding light?

There is no single answer to this question for everyone. Some believe that the human experience is their ultimate destined path. Others point to a deity that drives them. Still, there are those who feel connected by a universal pull that will bring us beyond our current human existence. Everyone experiences this guiding force in their own unique way. When we remember to keep this at the center of our life, perspective of our current situation can shift.

Whether times are productive and fruitful or whether they feel dire and uncertain, being clear on what drives us through this existence will go a long way toward our emotional and mental state. When we do this, we relinquish our grip on fear and open up to more love through giving and receiving. Let’s honor our existential belief by soaking in all that this cycle of life has to offer.

What truth do you cling to when your life has felt at its best and worst? Your belief system is specific and unique to you. Clarify for yourself what your human life means to you, how you envision living it and what happens beyond. Write your truth down and look at it often. Placing your core beliefs at the forefront of your mind can ease the burdens of any difficult situation you may be facing.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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