True Self

Beyond what we see and hear, I believe there is a place within each of us that guides us through our entire human existence. When we look into this space, it becomes very clear who we really are and what it is we are meant to do in this life. This is connecting to our true self.

We all have pitfalls and setbacks that come with our humanity. Emotional reactions and over-analyzation have a way of distorting our natural brilliance. Setting aside the intensity of thoughts and emotions to consult with our internal wisdom is what helps us get through the tough times with understanding and grace.

Our schooling doesn’t end in childhood or college. There is an opportunity to learn about ourselves in every daily experience. Let’s reach beyond our mental and emotional reactions to where the deeper essence of our true nature lies. This connection is where we will find clarity and peace.

Where is it that your mind feels the most relaxed? Is it in the shower, during meditation or just before falling asleep? While here, allow all the emotions of your day dissipating away like steam rising off the body and floating away. Spend a few minutes with your full attention to the natural breath rising and falling in the chest. Envision the voice of your truest nature and best version of yourself beginning to speak in the center of your body. Allow the sound of truth to travel your head like a whisper. What does it have to say to you in this moment? You will know it’s the right one because the message is always presented in love. Connect with that message and allow it to fill your heart. Use this message like a pair of glasses that filters and aligns all of your interactions so you may see clearly throughout your day.

Photo by Sean Patrick from Pexels

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