“This is me”

One of the biggest challenges we humans can face is managing our ego. Though the word “ego” can conjure up our own perceptions, the Miriam-Webster definition is: The self, especially as contrasted with another self or the world. Our ego self is the place we go to discern how we fit in our environment.

Sometimes our opinions that we are more-than, less-than or equal-to others can greatly affect our self-esteem. Recognizing the attributes of others can give us a gauge of how we see ourselves. Whether someone is respected or appalling, we can learn through them how we want to live in the world. It’s emotions like envy, jealousy, hatred and pity that get in the way of our personal freedom.

Instead of deciding if we are more or less than another, we can stand in the power of “This is me.” When we do this, we are honoring ourselves and at the same time, we allow others to be who they are. Staying within the space of “this is me” lets us internalize that we have grown into the person we are, and though there is more we want to achieve, we are all equally important.

Noticing that you are comparing yourself to others is the first step. Are you wishing you were like someone else? Do lingering thoughts of unworthiness stop you from pursuing what you want? What are some of your favorite attributes about yourself? Write these attributes down and refer back to them often. The next time you find yourself longing to be like another, think back to that list. Practicing this will give us the power to say “This is me.”

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

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