The Memories We Hold

Not every experience we have in our lives is committed to memory, but the ones that linger have often left either a beautiful imprint or undesirable mark. Just as remembering joyous times can affect our mood, the lingering emotions of our bad memories can influence our lives. The shadows of our past can distract us from the good happening now. Even the slightest sound, smell or sight can trigger the mind to revisit old wounds, stirring up a multitude of emotions. We can free the grip of residual pain when we place more emphasis on cultivating self-acceptance and peace within.

The longer we allow the effects of our wounds to linger, the more tainted our experience of today will be. The echo of a painful past can cease its relentless noise through shifting our focus. Part of this process includes forgiving our own imperfections, releasing injustices that are beyond our influence and standing in the power of the choices we felt were right at the time. This allows us to honor our old self, who we are now and who we aspire to be, even with all our mistakes. It takes effort and time to adjust habitual thinking, but finding peace makes it all worthwhile.

Though we all wish there was a magic formula to take away the memory of hurt instantly, it could be that our life’s task is to find our way beyond torment toward more love in our life. Though our painful memories are definitely a part of our human existence, they don’t have to be the title of our story. Let’s allow the power of a peaceful, loving heart to become the driving force in our lives.

An important step is recognizing how much long-lasting pain you hold and how often it affects your mental, emotional and physical well-being. Does a feeling of anger, fear or sadness somehow consistently fuel you? Are these your raw emotions or are they masking something you wish to avoid? Do you want justice or a re-do that you know is not possible or reasonable, and yet the hurtful feelings still linger? Only you can release the hold this pain has on you. Only you allow it to remain part of your personal narrative. After recognizing why you feel this inside you, the next step is taking any action that promotes peace within. Forgiveness and acceptance are more about releasing the grip within yourself than it is for anyone else. Allow any good choices you have and can make to become a louder voice in your internal dialogue. Vocalize that you wish to release plaguing emotions and believe you are ready to free these burdens. Focus on recognizing and creating good in your life. With repetition and effort, eventually that heavy energy will lift promoting peace within. This is when your scar will become a distant memory.

This inspirational story from Jon Dorenbos is an example of how we can move through the pain of our past to peace. The story begins at the 1:55 minute mark:

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

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