“Me Time”

We all know that exercise, good nutrition and ample sleep are primary ways to take care of ourselves. Aside from these, good health depends on finding rejuvenation from stressful times. Some find a recharge from reading a book, beach combing, getting a massage, and listening to music. Knowing that these activities and many others are options to refresh our mind and body is one thing; actually doing them is quite another.

Whether it’s work deadlines, caretaking or parenting, we all find our excuses. Many of us are hardwired to put everyone else’s needs in front of our own. It’s a common theme for hardworking people to acknowledge they need a breakaway to reset, and yet there’s always the overarching excuse that there are more important tasks to do.

Are you taking care of you?

The reality is that our own vibrance is detrimental to our energy level, productivity and overall happiness. When the mind-body-spirit is nourished, we can be more effective and fulfilled in our interpersonal interactions. We can say we know all of this, yet what stops us from placing a high importance on our personal care? Setting aside a few hours, a full day or weekend for alone time may certainly feel unattainable. However, you will find that the time off from stress is invaluable, and placing effort into creating a break will be well worth it.

Now is the time to make your self-care a priority. You are the one who knows what’s best for you. Take the steps to recharge. Once you allow yourself to become calm and centered, you will have more to share. When you show your best, peaceful self to the world, you will create that space for others to do the same.

The first step is to put yourself toward the top of your priority list. (I’d say at the top, but for most that is just too difficult right now.) Then it’s all about time. You can start off with smaller chunks. Go through your weekly to-do lists and decide what can be put off later and what is essential for the week. Where can you fill in your self-care for a half hour to hour three times in the week? If you are in the thick of parenting or caregiving, is there someone in your life you can ask to fill in or swap duties so you may recharge? If you set the intention to schedule in “me” time, you will find a way to make it happen. This may seem very challenging, but you will be thankful you did it. You may just discover that a shift in your mood from your break will shift everyone else’s mood around you.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

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