
Life can sure feel a lot easier when we have oodles of people in our corner cheering us on. Who doesn’t want our own cheerleaders rooting for our side? It’s when we meet with resistance that seems to be our true test.

When we find others resisting our choices and disagreeing with our plans, what do we do? There is great benefit in paying attention to the resistance. There is a possibility of finding holes in our plans that maybe we didn’t see before. There could be other sides to look at that can give us a whole new outlook or at least new ideas to ponder. It’s when we meet with the challenge of others’ perspectives that we truly discover how much passion we are willing to put behind our direction.

Resistance can either stop us, change our course or reaffirm our choices. We always can hope for a fool-proof plan that will be adored by all, but standing firm in our beliefs and allowing others to challenge our motives is when we truly show our power and dedication from within.

Think back to a time when you’ve talked about a path you wished to take and the person you shared it with wasn’t as enthused as you. How did you respond? Did you follow through with your goal? If you didn’t, what was it that stopped you? Did the resistance from this person or anyone else contribute to your change in position? If we take the time to evaluate why we decide not to move forward with our plans, we discover ways to elevate our confidence, ability, faith, and much more. Each day is a gift if we take the opportunity to learn to grow from our actions and inactions.

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