Neutralizing Anger

When anger arises, it can overtake us. It’s like a swell of energy gathers inside, swirling and waiting to find an exit point. If we’re not careful, that release comes in the form of unkind words and actions. This can be quite unhelpful as there tends to be repercussions from these uncontrolled urges. Additionally, by holding this anger in and never releasing it, the uncomfortable festering eventually creates dis-ease in the body. Luckily, there are tools to help us move this energy away from emotional instability toward mental clarity.

What neutralizes our anger? First comes the pause. It’s a small but mighty action that gives us time to see how we were triggered and the way to handle it. Sometimes a much longer break is needed to settle the emotions. This is when body movement and conscious breathing techniques become invaluable. Shifting the physical energy creates space for mental and emotional clarity. A balanced mind allows us to become more logical, delving beyond the obvious thoughts of “I’m mad” and going deeper into the reasons for why we were triggered. Creating calm energy within offers us the best chance of handling ourselves with compassion and love.

When we face our own anger from a centered place, we can entertain more explanations and expand our awareness of the bigger picture. Exercising and deep breathing are tried and true methods to reach a more balanced state. Let’s use these simple yet powerful tools to our advantage. The health of our body, mind and spirit will be in a better place from it.

What has angered you and how long have you been holding it? The intensity and duration of your anger can require different actions. Sometimes all that is required is a pause, which can include taking a physical step backward and silently counting to ten. If you find it difficult to engage kindly during this short pause, then it’s time to walk away until clarity comes. Sometimes dissipating this energy requires vigorous movement of the body to get the heart pumping, like walking, jogging and dancing. As you move, set your intention of releasing these feelings that have been gripping you. Additionally, practice purposeful breathing, such as inhaling to the count of ten seconds, hold for ten and exhaling for ten. This intake of oxygen and movement nourishes the body, allowing your senses to calm and cleanse. Practicing these daily will help you feel centered, creating space to see your situation from a different perspective. From this place of clarity and balance comes the opportunity not only to handle situations standing in your truth, but to move forward with more joy in your heart.

Check out these links for breathing exercises:
Kia Miller from
John Douillard at Lifespa:

Photo by Kelvin Valerio from Pexels

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