Lessons of Repetitive Issues

Sometimes it feels like we are dealing with the same issue over and over. If it was a situation we liked, we would welcome it each time with open arms. It’s the difficult recurrences that leave us scratching our heads asking, “Why does this keep happening to me?” There are lessons waiting to be learned in the resurfacing of old issues, and we can view this as a chance to adapt our perspective and break the cycle.

A second occurrence could feel just like a fluke, but more than that is undeniably repetitive. Uncovering the underlying theme happens when we peel away the details and recognize our own contribution to these events. Like it or not, our consistent behaviors play a part. There is the choice of playing victim to this repetition or embracing these as teaching moments where we can learn to take a different approach. We must be willing to change our own habitual thoughts and actions that have contributed to our experience. The peace from our interactions starts from within.

In the philosophy of energy healing, what you put into the world is what will return to you. When we find ourselves faced with that deja vu moment, acknowledging how we handled it previously allows us to tweak our future behaviors. Ultimately, remembering to stand in truth and love will always be the best way to release the uncomfortable grip from any unresolved experiences and let it go once and for all.

Think back to a perplexing situation that has come up in your life more than once. Were your actions, feelings and lasting impressions consistent in every scenario? Handling it the same way each time usually has the same outcome. If it were to happen again, what could you do to change the result? Recognizing your own participation in these recurring events will always uncover some lessons to be learned. Ask yourself: What is my role and what could I do to make this a better situation? This places the onus on you to mold your life the way you want it. Big changes can result from even a small shift in attitude. Remember that actions done with love will shape your challenges toward more peaceful experiences.

Photo by Shyam on Unsplash

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