In the flow or out?

Everyone has challenges in this life. We struggle to hold our balance when these times occur. The tipping point can be very close and we can be fearful and hold on for dear life.

What would happen if we just jumped into the current of life and let it take us where we need to go? We always have choices, don’t we? We sense a main direction with so many branches that appear. Which branch to take is totally up to us individually.

Living in a state of fear keeps us on the side of the river, never going downstream to see what is beyond our view. Some would say that staying on the side is a safe choice; that moving along could just introduce issues that we would rather not meet. This, for sure, is one way to approach life. How would we ever grow to our fullest potential if we always stay as stationary as possible? The chances and experiences are plentiful if we just dip our toe in and the decide it’s worth the jump.

So next time you are given an offer of multiple choices, look at why you are choosing them. Is it the safe option? What would or could you gain by taking the riskier option? We all can spend infinite amount of time looking for reasons to keep us locked in place. It’s that one, beautiful unknown possibility that could just be the catalyst for great change. So take the risk and jump in! It may well be the best decision you’ve ever made.

Action: Take a moment to breathe deep into your belly. Do it slowly three times, keeping your attention to the lower abdomen. Now, focus on the emotion you have for today. Is it one of fear, love, pain, joy, sadness, or content? Focus on that emotion and decide if it’s one you wish to stay with today or shift. What realistic goal — a step toward something you wish to bring in your life — could excite you for today? On the deep exhale, allow yourself to breathe out any excess that may be clouding judgement. If the breath doesn’t release all of it, that’s ok. If it lessens, that makes room for other options. Intention allows for the shift to take place.

Be willing to add something new into your day, like walking a different direction, talking to a stranger waiting near you or reach out and be vulnerable to someone. A small change can bring a new perspective.

Photo by Brandon Montrone from Pexels

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