Finding the Good Today

Whether we long for the old days to return, wish the current days away or place our sights on a new time to finally arrive, all of these situations have something in common. These repetitive thoughts overlook the NOW in life. Our minds continue to seek that high we once felt of “better times.” We know that not every day will be magically happy. Some days can be downright awful, but life has the potential to be more fulfilling when we create and notice the good of today.

Even during the toughest times of life, we still have an opportunity to seek and hold the precious, subtle moments that are available to lift us up. We can soak in the beauty of nature, reach out to help someone in need, recognize the kindness of others, and focus on the gratitude of our blessings. Not every day may be the spectacular one we hope for, but when we can take time to step away from our emotions and pay attention to our surroundings, we most often find subtle beauty awaiting our notice.

Dreams and hopes for the future are important for our health because they keep us focused and energetic toward a direction. Likewise, our memories will always have an impact on our daily lives. However, we cannot forget to create and search for beauty that can occur right now because frankly, we never know how much time we each have left on earth. This exact moment is what we have to work with. Let’s use it with gratitude and loving intention.

What is the theme of your current emotions? Have you been feeling overwhelmed, sad, angry, bored or stressed in some way? It is valuable to recognize how you feel because admitting it, especially out loud, helps release some of its hold on you. Begin to notice how your chest and belly move while you take in a few deep breaths. This is a simple way to bring your awareness into the current moment. Now you can start shifting your attention to your surroundings. What beauty can you find? Do you take in the color of the grass, smell the aroma of a delicious food, catch the smiling eyes of a passerby, relish the melody of a song or feel the warmth of a loving gesture by a friend? When we notice these subtleties around us, the internal energy uplifts by placing focus beyond the emotions that plague the mind. This shift is further amplified by offering loving, intentional focus toward another, such as calling, sending a note, visiting or any other caring action. When we continue to practice being in this place of awareness, we no longer overlook the current beauty around us that has been waiting to fill our hearts.

Photo by Edu Carvalho from Pexels

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