Finding Our Gifts

If we were asked to name some endearing qualities and natural abilities of our loved ones, we would probably come up with a healthy-sized list. Doing this same exercise for ourselves, could we answer as easily? It seems that recognizing the inherent gifts of others is often much easier than seeing our own. It’s like we have conditioned ourselves to focus on our faults and weaknesses so much that it’s difficult to see the benefits we bring into the world. When we identify the qualities we like most in ourselves, we become more empowered to use them as a guide toward a more fulfilling life.

Just as others inspire and enhance our lives with their talents, we can do the same for them. When we recognize where we could add value, we can become an active member in influencing our surroundings. With each of us sharing our talents, we find that we teach, learn and grow through these experiences and life becomes even more rewarding. Engaging in these positive actions are the best tools to produce positive outcomes.

It’s common to admire the impressive qualities of others. The reality is that we all have strengths and weakness. Acknowledging and utilizing what gifts we have to offer will ultimately be beneficial in our lives. Today, let’s ignite our inner power by choosing to realize, trust and exhibit our own natural talents.

Time to make your own personal list. Title the top as “My Natural Gifts.” Begin to write down what you are good at, using sentences that begin with “I am.” You can start off with actions, such as “I am a good cook” or “I am excellent with facts and figures.” Put down as many as you can think of. Next, move on to positive attributes that will describe you. Do you have qualities of leadership, organization, artistic creation, listening, loyalty and many others? If you have trouble thinking of anything, this exercise is even more important. Ask those who know you to say one or two things they see as your strengths. You can also access a list of positive personality traits online to help you. Avoid writing down your faults during this exercise. Once you’ve finished, save and periodically review this list. It will serve as a helpful reminder of your strengths during times you could use an inspirational message.

Photo by Kim Stiver from Pexels

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