Finding Good Moments

When we find ourselves full of doubt and uncertainty, we can become people we don’t recognize. Our actions become erratic and our thoughts can spiral to all sorts of fears. We can begin overthinking and having strong emotional reactions. We long for the calm after the storm when we can loosen the grip of tension that plagues our bodies and minds. How do we keep our sanity while riding the wave of rapid change?

There will always be times in our life when our limits will be tested. We will find that our way of thinking becomes altered and morphed into something new. We want to resist the change because we find comfort with predictability, habits and having the illusion of control. Though it’s hard to see when we are in it, these are the times of great growth and learning.

There are positive actions we can take to ease our stress during the times of discomfort and uncertainty. That can start with finding moments of the day to have a little laugh, recognize the positives and extend a bit of love out to another. It may not feel like we’re doing much, but these practices go a long way to raising the spirit. When one person lifts, others can follow. Together we can work to adapt our attitude toward positive thoughts and lift out of darkness into light and love.

Finding the good versus dwelling on the bad sometimes requires conscious activity. Some days will be much harder than others. but together we can help each other. In the morning, afternoon and evening, find three positives about your scenario. Take a break from listening to negative news by walking outside, dancing, playing a game, watching a light-hearted show or reading inspirational quotes. Reach out to another and share a funny memory or text someone to tell them you love them. These may seem small, but when we reach out beyond the limitation of our emotions, we help lighten the load for ourselves and others. Before you know it, life will move on from this event too.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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