Emerging from Loss

At some point in our lives everyone will experience a deep loss. Whether it’s a loss of a way of life, loss of security or loss of a loved one, this profound change has a great impact on us. Maybe we took our situation for granted or maybe we relished in every moment. It’s likely we did a little of both. The loss still stings. We can maximize our comfort during this difficult journey when we honor our pain while retaining awareness of the beauty that continues around us.

In the beginning, it becomes very difficult to accept loss. We can linger in our feelings of how things were “supposed to be.” Though this is normal, ruminating over this can cloud our daily experiences as we forge on. However, deeply within us we know that through time our hearts can repair. It will not be the same as it once was, but we still have lasting memories, lessons we have learned and potential pursuits that can remain as fuel for moving forward.

Even amidst the challenges of loss we will continue to grow. While we acknowledge our past as an integral part of who we are, we will simultaneously find a new way to be. A healthy healing process can unfold when we recognize our pain, consciously move through emotions and search for the beauty that continues to surround us.

Even if you find it natural to don the mask of bravery during times of loss, it is essential to honor your feelings. Allow yourself to safely release inhibiting emotions by actively moving your body, shedding tears or even yelling in a closed car while you are alone. Stuffing feelings creates discomfort in the body. Use a physical act to help free those emotional stirrings, allowing them to move out of the body instead of collecting as congestion. In addition to these emotional purges, search for the beauty in your moments. It may feel challenging, but finding gratitude in your current state will help move you through the process. Above all, know that you are loved.

Photo by Lukáš Dlutko from Pexels

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