
Most of us can probably point to at least one person who exudes confidence. Somehow they seem to be in total trust of their own ability and are willing to use it. Are you one of these people? If not, what holds you back from believing you are capable?

Sure, we all have our own gifts and limitations. That’s what makes every individual unique. Each of us has something valuable to share with the world. Whether it’s a creation, a skill or a service, we have the power within us to do it. It’s believing we can, then practicing until it becomes second nature.

We can point to failures earlier in life, unsupportive structures and absent opportunity, but these are experiences of the past. Right now is a different opportunity to create our future the way we envision it. It just takes belief in ourselves, courage to take the step and repetition. When we do this, others will soon be pointing to us as that person they know who exudes confidence.

It’s all about practice. Most of those who show their confidence know they are capable because they have done it over and over in some way. Pick something that you have wanted to do. It could be anything from learning a new instrument to giving a presentation in front of an audience. Choose a realistic time when you would like to accomplish this task. Every day leading up to your designated date is an opportunity to fine tune your goal. With repetition, it will become second nature and your confidence will soar.

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