Care for the Giver

We all know that person who gives of themselves often. They are that giver who wants to be available for every single person in need. It seems to fulfill a deep desire to help and be needed, which is a very natural trait. The challenge comes in when the giver’s body begins to tire, the mind is frazzled and yet the tenacity to keep helping remains. It is precisely these moments that self-care is most crucial in their lives. If a giver is not diligent, their body will begin to send signals that they are overlooking their own care. Most often the warning signs are ignored by these individuals. The care of someone else seems of far greater importance than their own. Are you one of these people?

I want to say it loudly to all you givers: I see you and all of your effort. You matter and so does your health.

No one can force you to stop and take care of yourself. You are the only one who can do that. This means it is time to recognize that you are a ray of light in this world and if you don’t tend to your own light, it will not be able to shine brightly for others as much as you’d like it to. Your body will begin to stop you if you don’t heed its warnings. You notice them. I know you do. Don’t wait until pain, sickness and exhaustion settle in.

It’s time to carve out some time to refuel your flame. If you keep it blazing bright by self-care and rejuvenation, it will light the way even more for those you want to help.

Do you say there is no time to devote for yourself? It’s said over and over by givers everywhere, but there is time. There are always moments when self-care can be done. Pick out points in your day where you overextend yourself. Practice using boundaries by saying “no, not right now” so you can free up time for personal care. These can be as little as skipping some household tasks for the day or as large as rearranging your schedule to fit in an hour for yourself. Sometimes it may even require asking others to help lessen your load. There are other givers just like you who want to help too. You are not alone. Whether it’s 20 minutes to take a bath, going outside for a walk or taking a much-needed nap, there are ways to take time out. If you refuel with quality care time for yourself, you can then share your brilliance instead of burning out.

Photo by Pexels

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