Deciding What to Do

There are times in our lives when our course of action is so clear. We know exactly what to do and we jump in right away to do it. Whether it’s by gut instinct or intellect, we can see the path ahead. Then there are those moments when we just don’t know what to do. We second guess ourselves and place our own feelings into what we think the answer should be, yet something tugs at our heart as if another way may be better. How do we decide what to do when we feel so uncertain?

When we view a circumstance through our own emotional lens, sometimes it’s difficult to see beyond that filter. Our hearts may be urging us to do something outside our typical behavior, but the apprehension comes from a fear of what the result could be. It takes courage to move out of our comfortable habits and reach out. We will never know what impression we will leave, but moving with positive intention increases our chances of leaving a good one.

Though there is not one single solution to any given issue, there is always a chance to step in and make a situation brighter. When we bravely follow the purity of our hearts, we become glad that we did it. Regardless of what we ultimately decide, we can maintain balance when we find our way using love and compassion.

Reflect back to the last time you felt paused by indecision on how to handle an occurrence with someone. How were you feeling emotionally? Were those emotions clouding your judgement? Did you take action or did you refrain from doing something? Any time we find ourselves in these moments, we tend to look at what we would want to happen. That can be a good gauge, but it’s also helpful to ask ourselves: “What is the best way I can express love in this situation?” Sometimes the answer goes against our analyzing brain. However, our own comfort of the outcome will always be increased when we choose to act out of love.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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