Avoiding Regret

Nobody acts perfectly in every situation. At some point feelings may arise where we are wishing we had done something different. Regret is a powerful force. Its sting can linger a long time, regardless whether the actions were impulsive or calculated. Often times the feelings from these experiences tend to resurface through the years, influencing our lives in ways we may not even recognize. Reduction of this kind of remorse in the future can be achieved by living intentionally and accepting ourselves, imperfections and all.

We can never truly know when or how another may be triggered by our action or inaction. Often harm is caused unintentionally. We cannot control the emotions of another, but we have power to stand firm in our convictions. Comfort in our choices comes from acting in harmony with our values.

It is important that we continue to cultivate a healthy sense of self. When we know the meaning behind what we do and align our actions with those intentions, we will become less affected by another’s reaction. Let’s inhibit the possibility of regret by consciously and intentionally living.

What regret lingers in your psyche? Whether a small event comes to mind or a large one that makes you cringe at the thought of what occurred, there is still opportunity to grow. Did you violate your own personal values or was it received in a manner you didn’t intend? If you hurt another’s feelings, did you do that on purpose? Did you act in a manner you felt appropriate? If your actions didn’t match your intentions, it’s time to admit that to yourself. We can ask for forgiveness from others, but self-forgiveness is equally important. Holding onto regrets breeds an unhealthy mind and body. It’s time to begin releasing it’s grip. Also, become very clear what matters and motivates you. Choose to live out your truth. The more you match your actions with your values, the more comfortable you will find yourself no matter how it’s received.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

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