Finding a New Normal

It seems like just when life feels comfortable, something comes along to challenge our groove. At these times, the limits of what we believe and think are tested. It can be disorienting and unsettling when new events uproot our stability. How do we keep ourselves grounded and balanced when struggling to find a new normal?

When we know how to handle something, we feel in control. Change in that dynamic, though not very comfortable, can be beneficial. We just may not be able to see it yet. The saying of “old habits die hard” is never more true during this time. Relaxing our expectations and the practice of letting go becomes valuable while faith, love and hope remain the foundation for rebuilding.

Life has so much to teach us if we pay attention. Some of it will be uncomfortable, yet there is always some underlying beauty waiting to surface. We all deal with turmoil in a different way, but the chance to grow from it will always remain. Let’s find peace by pushing through the discomfort and being willing to adjust to our new circumstances. Imagine what it would feel like if we trusted that, whatever the outcome, it was meant to happen for our greatest and highest good.

Being gentle with ourselves and allowing the emotions to release is an important part of transition. Honor the moments of being brave as well as the array of feelings emerging from the heart. It’s okay to admit when you are overwhelmed. No matter what your scenario, there is always someone willing to offer help when you need it. Reach out to give and receive support and encouragement with someone. This always makes trying times a bit easier. It’s just another example of the power of love.

Photo by Jordan Madrid on Unsplash

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