My potential

When we reach beyond what we believe is our maximum, we begin to understand that we have so much unused potential waiting. How often do we spend our time being in the mindset of “I am not enough?” This is a limitation we have allowed ourselves to believe. It could have started from words of others or an experience we had long ago. Sometimes we allow what others think to stifle our ability to think for ourselves. That fear of being “wrong” and “less than” is a powerful force that inhibits advancement in our lives.

So how do we get away from the “I’m not enough” to the “I have great potential?” Really all that is needed is to shift that thinking. When we accept that something is possible, we can step into our uncomfortable zone and challenge ourselves to a different experience. It begins with recognizing what limits us and the willingness to change.

It seems all too simple to say that just changing our mind will have such an impact. Often shifting our thinking is the biggest hurdle because somewhere along the way we have conditioned ourselves to play a repetitive tape in our heads. It’s time to recognize what those repetitive thoughts are and make a decision to weed out the ones that don’t impact us positively.

What is your repetitive tape saying? Are the words you say to yourself encouraging? We can be our own good friend that is supportive and pushes us beyond our previously perceived limitations. Let’s shift to the power of “I can,” and and begin to take action. Our potential is just waiting to be realized.

What are the thoughts that continually repeat in my head that are not serving my highest good?
Have I limited myself on what I believe I can accomplish?
Have I allowed what the world says to become my value instead of hearing it from my own wisdom?
Have I attempted something new today that brings me closer to aligning with who I am?

Rewiring internal dialogue:
I will change my limitations.
I choose to let my internal compass be the guiding force in this life.
I choose my path with purpose and integrity.
I choose to be my greatest potential.

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