The Center of Our Journey

No one leaves this earth having gone without many challenges, big and small. Every time there is a hurdle, it will test the strength of will and determination. Though no two journeys are the same, it does not mean that our hurdles are any worse or better. It is just our own unique path for this lifetime. What will bring about healing is allowing love to be the focus of our story.

Alongside every tragedy and loss stands the story of love. There are those who light the way by making their situation more about the love than the hardship they face. We can choose our own path to be lighted by love too. There will be days where it feels like our flame is not present any longer, but that internal light has not faded. It continues to shine. It just means it’s time to work at releasing those negative thoughts and feelings that make it dim.

Whatever we put our energy into is what comes back to us. When we place our energy toward love, that love will return to us. It becomes the fuel used to shine our light brighter. So let’s all illuminate our paths by placing love at the center of our journey.

For the next 24 hours, choose to approach everything you do with love. When approaching a stranger while you are on errands or in your daily commute, say an internal “I love you” to that person. Saying it out loud is not necessary…it would even be a bit awkward to say that to a stranger. However, if you internalize the words “I love you” before every encounter, you may just find a lot more smiles and warmth coming your direction. In this way, you are lifting yourself and allowing others to light up just like you.

The creation in this photo commemorates the overarching love that remains of a departed loved one.

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