Releasing What Is Not Mine

Sometimes we find ourselves ruminating over an issue that is from someone else’s story. When we connect into another’s emotional and/or physical pain, we somehow innately look deep into their situation as if we can feel it ourselves. Some people would call this being “empathic.” This means you physically and emotionally feel what another is going through. Sometimes this is a fleeting feeling, and other times we can grab onto it and hold it as if it’s ours to carry. How do we recognize and release energy that is from someone else?

Wherever we are, we can be affected by news of pain, tragedy and loss. How long we think about it and how emotionally and physically connected we feel are markers to look out for. Inability to get the details out of our mind, talking about it over and over, feeling drained and sad are indications we may have held onto someone else’s emotion and made it our own. Going down into the sadness with someone else might feel like the right thing to do, but it can come at an expense to our own vibrancy.

We can find a different way to support each other without having to take on the intensity of some else’s “stuff.” We do this by staying within our own power while allowing our empathy to give support. During our interactions, we can check in with the body, such as adjusting to a straighter posture, to help draw our attention to our own strength while taking in difficult information. Connecting to each other emotionally and physically is a gift we share as humans. By remaining centered and grounded within ourselves, we will then have the ability to lift others through their difficult times.

Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize we are ruminating over someone else’s situation. The first task is to identify what is causing your discomfort. Next, bring your awareness back into your body by gently drawing in your belly button and, with the feet on the ground, wiggle your toes to reestablish a connection with the earth. Take a long, deep breath while focusing all the way down to your lower belly. Do this three times. After the third breath, say these words out loud: “I recognize I have been holding some energy that doesn’t serve me and I’m grateful for this awareness. I ask that any energy I am holding that is not for my greatest and highest good, please release out of my whole system and go deep into the universe to be cleansed and cleared.” By saying these words, you give yourself the opportunity to release energy that may have attached itself to you. Once you have done this, you will then know what is truly yours to handle.

Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

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